Monday, 11 February 2013

they call me mellow yellow

The weather on the south coast has been pretty grey and miserable for days, and indoors it has been very dark and gloomy, so I decided to look out for some sunshine yellow to cheer us up a bit.

I know this year's colour is supposed to be emerald, but I needed a bit of sunshine! I found this little ornament on a shelf, the oilcloth we used to upcycle this vinyl covered chair

as well as one of a growing collection of teapots! I also gathered some other bits and pieces together to photograph

And then I had a play around on Photoshop, working on some designs which will become paper stencil screenprints! Just a little yellow goes a long way.

Have a yellow smiley face day.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

saatchi gallery exhibition

I was very pleased to be contacted last week by Rebecca Wilson, the director of the Saatchi Gallery, and asked to participate in their upcoming exhibition at the Hyatt Hotel in London's Portman Square, for three months from February.

Big Hunk O'Love, oil on board, 2010

So I took my "Big Hunk O'Love" in to the framers yesterday, The Frame Factory in Brighton. The service and the price there were both outstanding. They were wonderful. I shall never go anywhere else again!

I also worked on some new prints for normal designs. This positive message, and another:

That really is how I feel these days, after such a dreadful year in 2012, let this be the year that it all comes together!