It has been a busy couple of weeks here at normal designs' HQ. Last week was the opening of Burning Bright, an exhibition of up and coming artists featured on Saatchi Online, and curated by director of the Saatchi Gallery, Rebecca Wilson.
Here we are with my painting Big Hunk O' Love in the toilet of the Saatchi Suite! Yes indeed, where better to be shown than in the throne room! Read about the exhibition
here. Last week was also half term, so spent the days with the boys going to the park, even in this freezing weather. This week was my better half's birthday, so flowers and presents (brown paper packages, but couldn't find the string!) and a hand printed card from the boys.
Tulips and daffodils bringing spring indoors, in front of a drawing by the very talented
Christopher Wheeler. This picture reminded me of the dinner ingredients from the other night:
and also made me think how wonderful it is to have natural things surrounding us. Be they flowers, driftwood or shells picked up while walking on the beach.
Have a great weekend all, and enjoy the mad month of March!